Estimate Rate of Change – Linear approach

The iceTEA tool estimates linear rates of change for exposure age data in a horizontal or vertical transect, principally designed for rates of ice margin retreat and thinning. Least-squares regression is applied randomly to normally-distributed exposure ages through a Monte Carlo simulation. The results can then be plotted as a probability distribution and as a transect, with or without the corresponding exposure ages.

Details are described here: Jones et al., 2019, Quaternary Geochronology (preprint version here).

Upload exposure age data in the ‘standard’ input form (as .xlsx, .csv or .txt), including previously calculated exposure ages. Input data in columns 8-15 are not essential for this analysis, and columns 2-6 are not required for a horizontal transect; zeros can be used for these columns. Then select whether the sample transect is horizontal or vertical, and choose either weighted or unweighted Least-squares regression and optionally the number of Monte Carlo iterations.